Hardware geared for lean manufacturing, shop floor automation and Industry 4.0

- 17" Touch Screen
- IP65 Front Bezel
- 15 Standard I/O ports

- Din Rail Hub
- 2 Ethernet & 2 RS232 ports
- Surge Suppression

- 4 or 8 RS232 Ports
- PCI cards with Rugged Metal Hubs
- Surge Suppression

- 1, 2 or 4 RS232 Ports
- 1 Ethernet Port
- Surge Suppression

- 1, 2, 4, 8 or 16 RS232 Ports
- 10/100 Ethernet
- Surge Suppression

- Control Cycle Start
- Via Software or Hardware
- Easy to Install

- Control Edit Mode
- Via Software or Hardware
- Easy to Install

- Automatic Data Collection
- Digital & Analog I/O
- Easy to Install

- 1 or 2 RS232 Ports
- 802.11 Wireless
- Surge Suppression

- Data Collection
- Remote Requests
- ERP Integration

- Rugged RS232 Cable
- Guaranteed Transfer
- 5 to 1000 ft

- End of Life Options
- Replacement Item #s
- Stock Levels